Qing Dan Hua Shi Pian GallbladClear

Qing Dan Hua Shi Pian is a Chinese medicine that clears away Heat and may help normalize the secretion of bile from the gallbladder. This herbal remedy may also promote healthy urine production, nourish the Liver, and dissolve gallstones and clear the urinary tract.
200 tablets per bottle
Suggested Use
Take 6 tablets taken 2 to 3 times daily with or before meals. One bottle lasts users 11 to 17 days.
Radix Bupleuri (chai hu), Rhizoma Corydalis (yan hu suo), Herba Lysimachiae (jin qian cao), Radix Curcumae (yu jin), Radix Scutellariae ( huang qin), Radix Et Rhizoma Rhei (da huang), Radix Aucklandiae (mu xiang), Herba Dianthi (qu mai), Poria (fu ling)