Yang Yin Jiang Ya Wan

Settles the Liver, and extinguishes Wind, clears Heat, benefits the Heart for patterns with symptoms such as dizziness, sensation of pressure in the eyes, hypertension, palpitations and irritation.
240 Teapills per bottle
Suggested Use
8 pills, three times per day.
Sickle-Pod Senna Seed - Jue Ming Zi, Chinese Peony Root w/o Bark - Bai Shao, Achyranthes Root - Niu Xi (Huai), Uncaria Vine w/ Hooks - Gou Teng, Ligustrum Frui -Nu Zhen Zi, Chrysanthemum Flower - Ju Hua, Dendrobium Stem - Shi Hu, Eucommia Stem Bark - Du Zhong, Cornsilk - Yu Mi Xu, Asian Water Plantain Rhizome - Ze Xie, Poria Sclerotium - Fu Ling, Loranthus Twig & Leaf - Sang Ji Sheng