Fu Ke Ba Zhen Tang (Nu Ke Ba Zhen Tang)

Augment the qi, dispel wind, strengthen the Spleen, promote urination, and reduce edema
100 capsules per bottle
Suggested Use
3 to 6 capsules three times per day
Asian Ginseng (Red) - Ren Shen (Hong),Bai-Zhu Atractylodes Rhizome - Bai Zhu,Poria Sclerotium - Fu Ling,Chinese Licorice Root (Honey-fried) - Zhi Gan Cao,Dong Quai - Dang Gui,Chinese Peony Root w/o Bark - Bai Shao,Rehmannia Root Tuber (Prepared) - Shu Di Huang,Sichuan Lovage Rhizome - Chuan Xiong,Fresh Ginger - Sheng Jiang,Jujube Fruit - Da Zao