Ke Chuan Pian - Breathmooth

Ke Chuan Pian is a Chinese herbal supplement specially formulated for cough, asthma, and obstructive Phlegm due to invasion of external pathogens. This formula is recommended so you can breathe smoothly.
200 pills per bottle
Suggested Use
6 Pills 2-3 times daily
Radix Cynanchi Atrati (bai wei), Rhizoma Cynanchi Stauntonii (bai qian), Radix Platycodi (ju geng), Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae (chuan bei mu), Folium Mori (sang ye), Radix Peucedani (qian hu), Folium Perillae (zi su ye), Radix Saposhnikoviae (fang feng), Rhizoma Pinelliae (ban xia), Semen Ginkgo (bai guo), Fructus Perillae (su zi), Semen Lepidii Semen Descurainiae (ting li zi), Bulbus Fririllariae Thunbergii (zhe bei mu)