Slier & Chiang-huo Combination Capsules - Jia Wei Ba Xian Tang - 加味八仙湯

Used for numbness of the face, numbness of the limbs, painful limbs, paralysis and pain following a cerebrovascular accident, and spasms of the face.
100 Capsules (500mg each) per bottle
Suggested Use
2 capsules 3 times daily.
Tang-kuei root (dang gui), White peony root (bai shao), Cnidium root (chuan xiong), Cooked rehmannia root (shu di huang), Oriental ginseng root, Atractylodes root (bai zhu), Hoelen fungus (hu ling), Citrus peel (chen pi), Pinellia root (ban xia), Chinese licorice root (gan cao), Fang-feng root (fang feng), Notopterygium root (qiang huo), Achyranthes root (niu xi), Large-leaved Gentiana root (qin jiao), Ginger root, Cinnamon twig (gui zhi), Bupleurum root (chai hu), Jujube fruit (da zao).