Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan

For disharmony between the Spleen and stomach together with dampness manifested as reduced appetite, a loss of taste, inability to eat more than a little at a time, bloating after eating, focal distention, an uncomfortable feeling in the epigastrium, and generalized weakness.
100g (3.5oz) of the concentrated granules extracted from 500g of the raw herbs.
Suggested Use
5g 2 times per day.
Bai-Zhu Atractylodes Rhizome - Bai Zhu, Tangerine Mature Rind - Chen Pi, Poria Sclerotium - Fu Ling, Pinellia Rhizome (Ginger-processed) - Ban Xia (Jiang Zhi), Costus Root - Mu Xiang, Chinese Amomum Fruit - Sha Ren, Cyperus Rhizome (Vinegar-fried) - Xiang Fu (Cu Chao), Bitter Orange Young Fruit (Wheat-fried) - Zhi Shi (Fu Chao), Chinese Cardamom Root - Bai Dou Kou, Magnolia Bark (Ginger-processed) - Hou Po (Jiang Zhi), Patchouli Aerial Parts - Huo Xiang, Chinese Licorice Root - Gan Cao