Women's Support (Fu Ke Ning Shen)

Women's Support (Fu Ke Ning Shen) - Max Nature

Max Nature

SKU: O039-LM

Coursing the liver and rectifying qi, nourishing and quickening the blood, supplementing qi and regulating menstruation. Use for menstrual disorder due to blood vacuity and liver depression, menstrual block, menstrual pain, menstrual headache. Also used for treating women skin disorder such as dispersing yellow-brown macules.

Suggested Use
As a dietary supplement, take 1 serving (6g) 2 times a day.

6 Boxes of 6g Each

Motherwort, Nutgrass galingale rhizome, White Peony root, Tang Kwei root, Largehead Atractylodes rhizome, Dihuang prepared root, Yerbadetajo