Zhi Qi Guan Wan

Zhi Qi Guan Wan - Max Nature SALE

Max Nature

$3.95 $8.75
SKU: K025


Package 200 Pills per bottle


Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae (Dan Shen)
Radix Glycyrrhizae (Gan Cao)
Rhizoma Pinelliae (Zhi Ban Xia)
Radix Platycodi (Jie Geng)
Semen Iepidii Semen Descurainiae (Ting Li Zi)
Radix Asteirs (Zi Wan)
Pericarrium Citri Retculatae (Chen Pi)
Morus Alba (Sang Bai Pi)


Suggested Use For adults, swallow or chew 3 to 5 tablets with water or juice, 2 to 3 times a day, or
consult your herbalist.