Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan
Nourishes heart-yin and heart-blood, cools blood-heat, calms shen with symptoms such as anxiety, mental restlessness or fatigue, vivid dreaming, poor concentration with dry mouth and lips.
100g (3.5oz) of the concentrated granules extracted from 500g of the raw herbs.
Suggested Use
Dissolve 5 grams in a cup of hot water to make a tea 2 times daily.
Oriental Arborvitae Seed - Bai Zi Ren,Lycium Fruit - Gou Qi Zi,Scrophularia Root - Xuan Shen,Rehmannia Root Tuber (Prepared) - Shu Di Huang,Grass-Leaf Sweetflag Rhizome - Shi Chang Pu,Dong Quai - Dang Gui,Ophiopogon Root - Mai Men Dong,Fructus Citri Sarcodactylis - Fu Shen,Chinese Licorice Root - Gan Cao