Ching Fei Yi Huo Pien

Ching Fei Yi Huo Pien is a unique natural herbal supplement that provides support for the health of the lungs, throat and salivary glands along with the overall health of the immune system.
Take 4 tablets once a day.
96 tablets per box
Baikal Skullcap(huang qin)Root 480mg, Chinese Rhubarb(da huang)Root and Stem 411mg, Gardenia(zhi zi)Fruit 274mg, Balloon Flower(jie geng)Root 274mg, Trichosanthes(tian hua fen)Root 274mg, Anemarrhena(zhi mu)Sten and Root 206mg, Shrubby Sophora(ku shen)Root 206mg, Phellodendron(huang bai)Bark 137mg, Hogfennel(qian hu)Root 137mg,