Jin Gu Die Da Wan 筋骨跌打丸

Jin Gu Die Da Pian is a Chinese herbal supplement that promotes blood circulation to remove Blood stasis, and strengthens bones and tendons to speed recovery from injury.
200 Pills per bottle
Net Wt. 1.27 oz (180mg)
5-8 Pills with warm water, 2-3 times daily.
Hong hua - Flos Carthami, Liu ji nu - Herba Artemisiae Anomalae, Gu sui bu - Rhizoma Drynariae, E zhu - Rhizoma Cureumae, Wu yao - Radix Linderae, Wu jia pi - Cortex Acanthopanacis, Da huang - Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, San leng - Rhizoma Sparganii, Ze lan - Herba Lycopi, Tong Cao - Medulla Tetrapanacis