Shi Liu Wei Qi Liu Yin

Tonifies the Qi, Nourishes the Blood, Promotes the Movement of Qi, Thrusts Out Pus, and Dissipates Swellings
100 capsules per bottle
Suggested Use
3 to 6 capsules three times per day
Dong Quai - Dang Gui,Sichuan Lovage Rhizome - Chuan Xiong,Chinese Peony Root w/o Bark - Bai Shao,Cassia Twig - Gui Zhi,Asian Ginseng (Red) - Ren Shen (Hong),Platycodon Root - Jie Geng,Fragrant Angelica Root - Bai Zhi,Astragalus Root - Huang Qi,Costus Root - Mu Xiang,Lindera Tuber - Wu Yao,Magnolia Bark - Hou Po,Bitter Orange Mature Fruit - Zhi Ke,Betelnut Palm Seed - Bing Lang,Perilla Leaf - Zi Su Ye,Siler Root - Fang Feng,Chinese Licorice Root - Gan Cao