Xin Yi San - Magnolia Flower Formula Granules - 辛夷散

Xin Yi San - Magnolia Flower Formula Granules - 辛夷散 - Max Nature

Max Nature

SKU: STG-480

Magnolia Flower Formula - Xin Yi San - 辛夷散

For nasal polyps, sinus congestion the common cold and chronic rhinitis.

100g (3.5oz) of the concentrated granules extracted from 500g of the raw herbs.

Suggested Use
Dissolve 1-2 grams in a cup of hot water to make a tea 2-3 times daily.

Magnolia Flowers, Angelica, Cimicifuga, Kao Pen, Asarum, Saposhnikovia, Clematis Stem, Ligusticum, Licorice